About Basingstoke Bluefins
Basingstoke Bluefins Swimming Club was formed on 1st January 2005 as the result of a merger between Britannia Swimming Club and The Basingstoke & District Amateur Swimming Club.
The structure of the club is divided into six main areas:
Skills Academy Squads
Competitive Squads
Disability 'Sharks' to age 18yrs
Masters 18 years+
Water Polo
Throughout the club, our aim is to provide a safe swim environment for all ages; from early essential aquatic skills all the way through to national and international competition.
We believe that each swimmer should be encouraged to develop swimming skills at a level and speed appropriate for them. We firmly believe its important to offer a variety of pathways to children (and adults) to promote lifetime participation in aquatic disciplines.
Basingstoke Bluefins Swimming Club are a registered Charity (No. 1114225) operating on a not-for-profit basis and is supported by many volunteers.
What is SwimMark Accreditation?
SwimMark (formally Swim21) accreditation is awarded to those clubs, who are dedicated to creating the best possible swimming experience for all.
Every SwimMark accredited club provides high quality, safe, effective, child-friendly services for the benefit of their swimmers and non-swimming members.
It’s about putting the swimmers first and ensuring young learners follow the pathway, that Swim England (ASA) recognises for training and competition.
More information can be found on www.swimming.org