PB - Swimmers Hub
The 'go to' page for swimmers useful information to help you be the best you can be.
Your Best Times are found here - swimmingresults.org
Bluefins Club Records - Do you have a Club Record?
If you have an outstanding claim to a club record while registered as a Basingstoke Bluefin swimmer, please submit your claim here stating where and when the time was recorded.
Goal Setting - Have you chosen yours?
Why do we set goals?
Setting goals and targets regularly will help you improve your swimming performance, focusing not just on your strengths but also your weaknesses. Working on small 'bite sized' process goals daily or weekly will build your confidence, helping you to be focused and motivated to achieve your bigger performance goals, whether that be - break 30 seconds for 50m freestyle or win a National Medal.

Basingstoke Bluefins Swimming Club has developed its own goal setting worksheet to break down the sometimes complicated goal setting process. Each stage will lead you through your goal setting journey, giving you some helpful hints and tips along the way.
Good luck and remember... "A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot!"

Club Teamwear & Training Kit

Swimzi Bluefins Team Kit
The fastest looking swim kit out of the water!
If you are in Performance, Race and Competitive squads you’ll need a Club Top for competitions. Everything else is optional.

Click here teamwear.swimzi.com

Fastlegs Training Kit Shop
Recommended Kit for poolside & land.
With every purchase from Fastlegs, either online or in the shop (based in Basingstoke), Fastlegs will donate 20% of purchase price to Basingstoke Bluefins Swimming Club.
Click here www.fastlegs.co.uk
Pool Training Check List: Hat & Googles (plus spare),
Kick Board, Pull Buoy, Paddles (coach guidance),
Snorkel and Water Bottle.
Land Training Check List: Exercise Mat, Jump Rope, Resistance Band, Foam Roller and Water Bottle.
More info...